Kevlar fiber | |
ID | 8061 |
Para-aramide fiber. According to the characteristics is five times stronger than steel. The main material for production of individual protection equipment. | |
Weight | 150 |
Volume | 3 |
Cost | 750 |
Class | Craft Tech |
Type | Разное |
Knowledge for the Decraft:
Metallurgy | 5 |
Ballistic | 12 |
Limit | 250 |
Craft 1:
Kevlar fiber 1 pcs.94 exp
Размочите в кислоте медь и свинец и медно-свинцовой спайкой укрепите волокна. Требуется верстак.
Parameters for appearance:
Химия 120
and Металургия 80
and Механика 50
and Techprogress 2
Parameters for craft:
Химия 140
and Металургия 100
and Механика 75
and Techprogress 2
Super Tool Kit
Tanned Skin 2 pcs.
and Acid 2 pcs.
and Copper Wire 1 pcs.
and Lead 1 pcs.